Do you have questions about the car accident settlement timeline in Florida? Watch this video to find out how long it may take to recover compensation.
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How long will my car accident case take?
Every time I meet with a client, one of the questions that always comes up is, “How long is this process going to take?”
That depends on a lot of different things. One of the most important considerations for our firm is making sure that we maximize our client’s damages. We want to make the biggest recovery that we can.
We want to get complete and total compensation for all the losses that our client has suffered in an automobile accident claim. That means that the client has to take the time to get good medical care. That medical care is part of the investigation of your injuries; what they are, and what those injuries are going to mean for you in the future.
Typically, you would hope that you’d get a handle on that in four to six months, but in all cases, it’s not the same. Our firm is not in any hurry to try to make that decision if it’s going to mean less value to our client. Our fundamental focus is to give the client the opportunity to get full medical care at least to the extent that we have a very good handle on all of their injuries and all of the future medical needs that will go along with those injuries. Of course, sometimes it can take years. You need to hire a law firm that understands this and is willing to take the time and be patient to assist a client for what can be a very long process.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured after a motor vehicle crash in Florida and have questions about the car accident settlement timeline?
Contact our dedicated Clearwater car accident lawyers at Perenich Law Injury Attorneys today for a free confidential consultation and case evaluation.
Let our experience work for you.