Were you or a loved one recently injured due to medication errors? Watch this video to find out how you can recover compensation.
Can I receive compensation for medication errors?
When you’re dealing with an injury because of medication errors, you need to understand the science behind what medications can do to a patient. Every medication, while it may be designed to be ingested by a person, can have adverse effects if the dosage is wrong or if it’s not the right medication. If someone is dealing with a problem and seeks help from their physician, and they get a prescription, they could be further harmed if the dosage isn’t right or it’s not the right type of medication and it can have all types of horrible consequences for a patient. We’ve had some tragic cases where medications were administered improperly and the consequences have been devastating for our clients. We will hold accountable anybody who has a duty under the law to make sure that medications are properly administered, that it is the right dosage, and it is the right prescription.