Check out this video to learn about filing for bankruptcy due to falling behind on mortgage payments. Then call Perenich Law Injury Attorneys for a free legal consultation.
Should I file bankruptcy because I’m falling behind on mortgage payments?
Once in a while, a client will ask whether they should file bankruptcy when they’re falling behind on mortgage payments. The answer is, well, it depends. Like most answers in the law, it’s really fact-specific. Give me a call. I’m happy to meet with you. We’ll sit down and carefully go through your finances to determine whether or not you are eligible to file a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and, more importantly, whether you should.
It’s not a one-size-fits-all remedy. It’s a very significant and harsh remedy, sometimes, under the law. Give us a call. We at Perenich Law Injury Attorneys provide free consultations.