Trinity, Florida, offers endless boating and water enjoyment opportunities, whether you hit the water in Old Tampa Bay, Lake Tarpon, or the Gulf of Mexico. Sailing out on the water can mean hours of fun and entertainment. Sometimes, however, another person’s negligence can turn your fun in the sun into a nightmare. Boating accidents often cause severe personal injuries or death.

At Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, a Trinity boat accident lawyer helps clients pursue compensation for their injuries. Our experienced personal injury attorneys can represent you where you found yourself injured on the water by Tarpon Springs, Holiday, New Port Richey, Hudson, Hudson Beach, Clearwater Beach, Ozona, Crystal Beach, Madeira Beach, Redington Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, Tampa, or St. Petersburg.

Contact us for your free consultation.

Perenich Law Injury Attorneys: Helping Trinity Boat Accident Victims Pursue Compensation for Their Injuries

A severe boat accident brings many challenges, including medical and financial issues. At Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, we can help ease your stress by offering legal representation and explaining your options. In a time of devastating loss, you deserve respect and clear communication. Our legal team guides clients through the next steps of a boating accident claim in the following ways:

We can help identify all parties who may be liable for your Trinity boating accident.

It can be hard to identify who caused a boating accident. Whether a boat driver’s negligence or a mechanical problem caused your accident, you will need evidence proving what happened. Our team knows how to investigate parties who may be liable for your Trinity boating accident. Determining who caused the accident is usually the first step to pursuing compensation.

We can help you understand how much compensation you may deserve after a boating accident in Trinity.

Compensation gives you the money to address the many financial challenges you face after a boating injury. If the insurance company tries to minimize your compensation, you may not have enough cash on hand to pay your medical bills or make up for lost income. When you work with Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, we provide a comprehensive estimate of the compensation you deserve so we can negotiate from a position of power.

We can deal with the insurance company on your behalf.

After a boating accident, you will have to deal with the insurance company that covers the party that caused your accident.

Unfortunately, insurance companies often try to devalue claims. They may try to get you to accept a low settlement offer that does not reflect the full extent of the damages you sustained in your boating accident. Or, they might try to force you into accepting liability for the accident, which could cause you to miss out on much-needed compensation.

At Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, we can handle the insurance company on your behalf, from negotiating your claim to taking your claim to court, if necessary, to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Trinity Boating Accidents (and Who Bears Liability)

To file a boating accident claim, you need to know who caused your accident and what factors contributed to your injuries. In Tampa Bay, Lake Tarpon, Hillsborough Bay, and other waterways around Trinity, many different catastrophes may occur, including:

Poor Maintenance on the Boat

Boats require just as much maintenance as cars, if not more. Because of the few rescue options on the open water and the danger of drowning, boats need to receive regular maintenance to maximize their safety. Unfortunately, when you rent a boat, you cannot know ahead of time whether the boat has received much-needed maintenance or how to check on it. If you rent a boat from a company that fails to care for its boats, it may be liable for an accident caused by that lack of maintenance.

Driver Error

Driving a boat requires careful attention. In Florida, boaters cannot operate a boat while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Additionally, drivers need to keep their attention firmly on the task of driving rather than being distracted by passengers in the boat. When a boat driver commits an error that leads to a deadly accident, the driver may be liable for their negligence.

Environmental Factors

Boating accidents sometimes occur due to environmental factors, like debris in a marina. While drivers must watch out for debris on the open water, if an accident occurs in a marina due to submerged debris that the operator could not reasonably have seen, the marina may be liable for failing to protect its users.

Poor Weather

The risk of a boating accident increases in poor weather. Operators must evaluate weather conditions to ensure that they can boat safely. Suppose an operator fails to prepare for poor weather conditions and has an accident due to their negligence. In that case, you may hold them liable—even if the incident occurred due to factors outside the operator’s control.

Pursuing Compensation After a Trinity Boating Accident: What to Expect

After a water vessel caused by another party’s negligence, you may have the right to pursue compensation for your injuries. A well-practiced Trinity boat accident attorney can help you calculate your financial losses. Doing so will help you understand your claim and what to expect.

Speak with a boat crash lawyer in Trinity to determine what damages apply to your claim. At Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, our experienced team can ensure you do not leave anything on the table. You may claim several damages, including:

Medical Expenses

Whether you sustained broken bones or a drowning injury, boating injuries can cause substantial medical costs. You may have to spend a long time recovering in the hospital, undergo multiple surgical procedures, or struggle through numerous physical therapy sessions on your road to recovery.

The more severe your injuries, the greater your medical costs will become and the more compensation you may deserve. In addition, some injuries may have high medical costs that continue long after the initial incident, including the need for future medical procedures.

A lawyer can help you break down your medical costs and give you a better idea of what compensation you might claim for the medical expenses you faced from your boating accident.

Lost Income

Many people find that their boating accident injuries prevent them from working during recovery. Depending on your profession, even minor injuries could prevent you from completing your usual job duties. Your employer might prefer that you remain out of work until you recover from your injuries.

Losing income can be disastrous, keeping you from paying for housing, groceries, or medical bills. Talk to your seasoned boat accident lawyer about the income you lost due to your Trinity boating accident to pursue the compensation you deserve.

Damaged or Lost Property

A boating accident can ruin everything on board the boat. Sometimes, items may fall overboard, lost to the water. In other cases, your possessions may become water damaged. As part of your boat accident claim, you may have the right to pursue compensation for property lost or damaged in the accident.

Pain and Suffering

In the immediate aftermath of a boat accident, you may find that the suffering caused by your injuries significantly outweighs your financial struggles. While your financial losses play a heavy role in your boating accident claim, you may also claim compensation for the non-financial difficulties caused by your boating accident.

Talk to your lawyer about the suffering that accompanied your accident, including challenges like:

  • Physical pain from your injuries
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of independence
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Specific activities or plans you missed out on because of your injuries
  • Lost relationships because of your boating accident injuries

A lawyer can help you estimate the financial value of pain and suffering related to your accident and add it to your claim.

How to Handle a Boating Accident in Trinity?

After a boat accident on Old Tampa Bay or other waterways around Trinity, carefully consider the steps you need to take to protect yourself financially and physically. Remember that your actions will affect your ability to pursue compensation later. These steps can help you protect your interests:

1. Prioritize Safety and Summon Help to the Scene

First, contact emergency rescue services if needed, or call 911 to summon help. Account for everyone in your party to ensure that nobody is missing. Deliver emergency medical attention at the scene, if required. Move the boats to a safer area if your current location poses a danger.

Call Trinity law enforcement to report the accident. Emergency responders can document the accident scene and provide much-needed assistance, including emergency medical assistance. Emergency responders may also help recover members of your group that may have drifted away from the scene.

2. Get medical attention.

If anyone in your group sustained severe injuries, make medical attention a top priority. Even if you think you did not sustain serious injuries, visit a doctor as soon as possible to make sure. Watch out for symptoms like difficulty breathing, trouble waking someone who inhaled water, or increasing pain. When you suffer injuries in a boating accident, pursuing medical attention can also help document when your injuries occurred.

3. Document the accident.

If you can safely do so, take pictures of the accident or document any information about the other boat, the driver, or what led to the accident. Do not put yourself in danger to collect evidence.

You may also want to write down what you believe led to the accident, including any details you may have noticed. Memory can fade quickly after a severe accident, and the sooner you write down what happened, the more accurate and helpful it will be for a legal claim.

4. Talk to a lawyer about whether you may deserve compensation for any boating accident injuries.

If you sustained injuries in your water vessel collision, do not try to handle your claim on your own. Insurance companies often try to minimize the compensation they have to pay out, especially in extensive accident claims with multiple injured parties.

Instead, talk to a knowledgeable Trinity boat wreck attorney about your right to compensation and how to handle your claim. A lawyer can walk you through the claim process, from giving you more information about the compensation you may deserve to helping you establish evidence related to your injuries. At Perenich Law Injury Attorneys, we will start with a free consultation that will help us get a better idea of the injuries you suffered and the compensation you may deserve.

Contact a Trinity Boating Accident Attorney Today

If you suffered injuries in a boating accident, you do not have to handle your claim on your own. Call Perenich Law Injury Attorneys to speak with a Trinity boat accident lawyer about your right to compensation.

Perenich Law injury Attorneys

Perenich Law injury Attorneys N/a
10015 Trinity Blvd
Suite 100
FL 34655
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(727) 877-8831